Source code for metawards._wardinfo

from dataclasses import dataclass as _dataclass
from dataclasses import field as _field
from typing import List as _List
from typing import Dict as _Dict

__all__ = ["WardInfo", "WardInfos"]

[docs]@_dataclass class WardInfo: """This class holds metadata about a ward, e.g. its name(s), any ID code(s), any information about the region or authority it is in etc. """ #: Name of the ward name: str = "" #: Any alternative names of the ward alternate_names: _List[str] = _field(default_factory=list) #: Official ID code of the ward code: str = "" #: Any alternative ID codes of the ward alternate_codes: _List[str] = _field(default_factory=list) #: The name of the local authority it is in authority: str = "" #: The ID of the local authority it is in authority_code: str = "" #: The name of the region it is in region: str = "" #: The ID of the region it is in region_code: str = ""
[docs] def __hash__(self): return f"{} | {self.authority} | {self.region}".__hash__()
def is_null(self): return self == WardInfo()
[docs] def summary(self): """Return a summary string that identifies this WardInfo""" s = [] if len( > 0: s.append( elif len(self.alternate_names) > 0: s.append(self.alternate_names[0]) elif len(self.code) > 0: s.append(self.code) elif len(self.alternate_codes) > 0: s.append(self.alternate_codes[0]) if len(self.authority) > 0: s.append(self.authority) elif len(self.authority_code) > 0: s.append(self.authority_code) if len(self.region) > 0: s.append(self.region) elif len(self.region_code) > 0: s.appened(self.region_code) return "/".join(s)
[docs] def to_data(self): """Return a dictionary that contains all of this data, in a format that can be serialised to JSON """ data = {} if is not None and len( > 0: data["name"] = str( if self.alternate_names is not None and len(self.alternate_names) > 0: data["alternate_names"] = [str(x) for x in self.alternate_names] if self.code is not None and len(self.code) > 0: data["code"] = str(self.code) if self.alternate_codes is not None and len(self.alternate_codes) > 0: data["alternate_codes"] = [str(x) for x in self.alternate_codes] if self.authority is not None and len(self.authority) > 0: data["authority"] = str(self.authority) if self.authority_code is not None and len(self.authority_code) > 0: data["authority_code"] = str(self.authority_code) if self.region is not None and len(self.region) > 0: data["region"] = str(self.region) if self.region_code is not None and len(self.region_code) > 0: data["region_code"] = str(self.region_code) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def from_data(data): """Construct from the passed dictionary, which has, e.g. been deserialised from JSON """ if data is None or len(data) == 0: return WardInfo() info = WardInfo() = str(data.get("name", "")) info.alternate_names = [str(x) for x in data.get("alternate_names", [])] info.code = str(data.get("code", "")) info.alternate_codes = [str(x) for x in data.get("alternate_codes", [])] info.authority = str(data.get("authority", "")) info.authority_code = str(data.get("authority_code", "")) info.region = str(data.get("region", "")) info.region_code = str(data.get("region_code", "")) return info
[docs]@_dataclass class WardInfos: """Simple class that holds a list of WardInfo objects, and provides useful search functions over that list. This prevents me from cluttering up the interface of Network """ #: The list of WardInfo objects, one for each ward in order wards: _List[WardInfo] = _field(default_factory=list) #: The index used to speed up lookup of wards _index: _Dict[WardInfo, int] = None def __len__(self): return len(self.wards) def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> WardInfo: return self.wards[index]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i: int, info: WardInfo) -> None: """Set the ith WardInfo equal to 'info'.""" if info is not None: if not isinstance(info, WardInfo): raise TypeError( f"Setting item at index {i} to not a WardInfo {info} " f"is not allowed") if i >= len(self.wards): self.wards += [None] * (i - len(self.wards) + 1) self.wards[i] = info if info is not None and self._index is not None: self._index[info] = i return elif i < 0: i = len(self.wards) + i if i < 0: raise IndexError(f"Invalid index") if self.wards[i] == info: # nothing to do return elif self.wards[i] is not None: self._index = None self.wards[i] = info return else: self.wards[i] = info if self._index is not None: index = self._index.get(info, None) if index is None or index > i: self._index[info] = i return
[docs] def reindex(self): """Rebuild the WardInfo index. You must call this function after you have modified the list of WardInfo objects, as otherwise this will fall out of date. Note that this will be automatically called the first time you use the "contains" or "index" functions """ self._index = {} for i, ward in enumerate(self.wards): if ward is not None: if not isinstance(ward, WardInfo): raise TypeError( f"Item at index {i} is not a WardInfo! {ward}") if ward not in self._index: self._index[ward] = i
[docs] def __contains__(self, info: WardInfo) -> bool: """Return whether or not this contains the passed WardInfo""" if self._index is None: self.reindex() return info in self._index
[docs] def contains(self, info: WardInfo) -> bool: """Return whether or not this contains the passed WardInfo""" return self.__contains__(info)
[docs] def index(self, info: WardInfo) -> int: """Return the index of the passed 'info' object if it is in this list. If not, then a ValueError exception is raised. Note that only the first matching WardInfo will be returned """ if self._index is None: self.reindex() i = self._index.get(info, None) if i is None: raise ValueError(f"Missing ward! {info}") else: return i
def _find_ward(self, name: str, match: bool, include_alternates: bool): """Internal function that flexibly finds a ward by name""" import re if not isinstance(name, re.Pattern): search = re.compile(name, re.IGNORECASE) else: search = name if match: search = search.match else: search = matches = [] for i, ward in enumerate(self.wards): if ward is None: continue is_match = False if search( is_match = True elif search(ward.code): is_match = True elif include_alternates: for alternate in ward.alternate_names: if search(alternate): is_match = True break if not is_match: for alternate in ward.alternate_codes: if search(alternate): is_match = True break if is_match: matches.append(i) return matches def _find_authority(self, name: str, match: bool): """Internal function that flexibly finds a ward by authority""" import re if not isinstance(name, re.Pattern): search = re.compile(name, re.IGNORECASE) else: search = name if match: search = search.match else: search = matches = [] for i, ward in enumerate(self.wards): if ward is None: continue is_match = False if search(ward.authority): is_match = True elif search(ward.authority_code): is_match = True if is_match: matches.append(i) return matches def _find_region(self, name: str, match: bool): """Internal function that flexibly finds a ward by region""" import re if not isinstance(name, re.Pattern): search = re.compile(name, re.IGNORECASE) else: search = name if match: search = search.match else: search = matches = [] for i, ward in enumerate(self.wards): if ward is None: continue is_match = False if search(ward.region): is_match = True elif search(ward.region_code): is_match = True if is_match: matches.append(i) return matches def _intersect(self, list1, list2): """Return the intersection of two lists""" return [value for value in list1 if value in list2]
[docs] def find(self, name: str = None, authority: str = None, region: str = None, match: bool = False, match_authority_and_region: bool = False, include_alternates: bool = True): """Generic search function that will search using any or all of the terms provided. This returns a list of indicies of wards that match the search Parameters ---------- name: str or regexp Name or code of the ward to search. You can also include the authority adn region by separating usign "/", e.g. "Clifton/Bristol". authority: str or regexp Name or code of the authority to search region: str or regexp Name or code of the region to search match: bool(False) Use a regular expression match for the ward rather than a search. This forces the match to be at the start of the string match_authority_and_region: bool(False) Use a regular expression match for the authority and region rather than a search. This forces the match to be at the start of the string include_alternates: bool(True) Whether or not to include alternative names and codes when searching for the ward """ wards = None if name is not None: parts = name.split("/") if len(parts) == 1: wards = self._find_ward(name, match=match, include_alternates=include_alternates) else: wards = self._find_ward(name=parts[0].strip(), match=match, include_alternates=include_alternates) authority = parts[1].strip() if len(parts) > 2: region = "/".join(parts[2:]).strip() if len(wards) == 0: return wards if authority is not None: authorities = self._find_authority( authority, match=match_authority_and_region) if len(authorities) == 0: return authorities if wards is None: wards = authorities else: wards = self._intersect(wards, authorities) wards.sort() if len(wards) == 0: return wards if region is not None: regions = self._find_region(region, match=match_authority_and_region) if len(regions) == 0: return regions if wards is None: wards = regions else: wards = self._intersect(wards, regions) wards.sort() if wards is None: # we have not searched for anything, so return everything return list(range(1, len(self.wards))) else: return wards