__all__ = ["import_graphics_modules",
[docs]def import_graphics_modules(verbose=False):
"""Imports pandas and matplotlib in a safe way, giving a good
error message if something goes wrong.
verbose: bool
Whether or not to print to the screen to signal progress...
(pd, plt)
The pandas (pd) and matplotlib.pyplot (plt) modules
if verbose:
print("Importing graphics modules...")
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
print("You must have pandas and matplotlib installed to run "
print("Install using either `pip install pandas` if you are using")
print("pip, or 'conda install pandas' if you are using conda, ")
print("or by running 'metawards-install --optional")
raise ImportError("Cannot produce the plot as pandas and matplotlib "
"are not installed.")
return (pd, plt)
[docs]def create_overview_plot(df, output_dir: str = None,
format: str = "jpg", dpi: int = 150,
align_axes: bool = True, verbose: bool = True):
"""Create a summary plot of the result.csv data held in the
passed pandas dataframe. This returns the figure for you
to save if desired (or just call ``plt.show()`` to show
it in Jupyter)
If the dataframe contains multiple fingerprints, then this
will return a dictionary of figures, one for each fingerprint,
indexed by fingerprint
df : Pandas Dataframe
The pandas dataframe containing the data from results.csv.bz2
output_dir: str
The name of the directory in which to draw the graphs. If this
is set then the graphs are written to files as they are generated
and the filenames of the figures are returned. This is necessary
when the number of graphs to draw is high and you don't want
to waste too much memory
format: str
Format to save the figures in if output_dir is supplied
dpi: int
dpi (dots per inch) resolution to save the figures with if
a bitmap format is used and output_dir is supplied
align_axes: bool
If true (default) then this will ensure that all of the plots
for different fingerprints are put on the same axis scale
verbose: bool
Whether or not to print progress to the screen
The matplotlib figure containing the summary plot, or a
dictionary of figures if there are multiple fingerprints,
or the filename if output_dir was supplied, or a dictionary
of multiple filenames indexed by fingerprint
_, plt = import_graphics_modules()
fingerprints = df["fingerprint"].unique()
repeat = "repeat"
except Exception:
# no fingerprints
fingerprints = [None]
repeat = "demographic"
import PIL # noqa - disable unused warning
except ImportError:
if format == "jpg":
"WARNING: Missing 'pillow' package, defaulting to PNG format.")
format = "png"
figs = {}
min_date = None
max_date = None
max_y = {}
min_y = {}
columns = ["E", "I", "IW", "R"]
nfigs = len(fingerprints)
if len(fingerprints) > 1 and align_axes:
for fingerprint in fingerprints:
df2 = df[df["fingerprint"] == fingerprint]
for column in columns:
min_d = df2["day"].min()
max_d = df2["day"].max()
min_val = df2[column].min()
max_val = df2[column].max()
if min_date is None:
min_date = min_d
max_date = max_d
if min_d < min_date:
min_date = min_d
if max_d > max_date:
max_date = max_d
if column not in min_y:
min_y[column] = min_val
max_y[column] = max_val
if min_val < min_y[column]:
min_y[column] = min_val
if max_val > max_y[column]:
max_y[column] = max_val
for fingerprint in fingerprints:
if fingerprint is None:
df2 = df
df2 = df[df["fingerprint"] == fingerprint]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10))
i = 0
j = 0
for column in columns:
ax = df2.pivot(index="date", columns=repeat,
ax.tick_params('x', labelrotation=90)
if len(fingerprints) > 1 and align_axes:
ax.set_xlim(min_date, max_date)
ax.set_ylim(min_y[column], 1.1*max_y[column])
if len(fingerprints) > 1:
from metawards import VariableSet
fvals, _rpt = VariableSet.extract_values(fingerprint)
ax.set_title(f"{fvals} : {column}")
j += 1
if j == 2:
j = 0
i += 1
if output_dir:
import os
if nfigs == 1:
filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"overview.{format}")
filename = os.path.join(output_dir,
if verbose:
print(f"Saving figure {filename}")
fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
fig = None
figs[fingerprint] = filename
if verbose:
print(f"Created the figure for {fingerprint}")
figs[fingerprint] = fig
if len(figs) == 0:
return None
elif len(figs) == 1:
return figs[list(figs.keys())[0]]
return figs
[docs]def create_average_plot(df, output_dir: str = None, format: str = "jpg",
dpi: int = 150, align_axes: bool = True,
verbose: bool = True):
"""Create an average plot of the result.csv data held in the
passed pandas dataframe. This returns the figure for you
to save if desired (or just call ``plt.show()`` to show
it in Jupyter)
Note that this won't do anything unless there are multiple
repeats of the model run in the output. In that case, it
will return None
If the dataframe contains multiple fingerprints, then this
will return a dictionary of figures, one for each fingerprint,
indexed by fingerprint
df : Pandas Dataframe
The pandas dataframe containing the data from results.csv.bz2
output_dir: str
The name of the directory in which to draw the graphs. If this
is set then the graphs are written to files as they are generated
and the filenames of the figures are returned. This is necessary
when the number of graphs to draw is high and you don't want
to waste too much memory
format: str
Format to save the figures in if output_dir is supplied
dpi: int
dpi (dots per inch) resolution to save the figures with if
a bitmap format is used and output_dir is supplied
align_axes: bool
If true (default) then this will ensure that all of the plots
for different fingerprints are put on the same axis scale
verbose: bool
Whether or not to print progress to the screen
The matplotlib figure containing the average plot, or a
dictionary of figures if there are multiple fingerprints,
or the filename if output_dir was supplied, or a dictionary
of multiple filenames indexed by fingerprint
import PIL # noqa - disable unused warning
except ImportError:
if format == "jpg":
"WARNING: Missing 'pillow' package, defaulting to PNG format.")
format = "png"
fingerprints = df["fingerprint"].unique()
figs = {}
nfigs = len(fingerprints)
for fingerprint in fingerprints:
df2 = df[df["fingerprint"] == fingerprint]
nrepeats = len(df2["repeat"].unique())
if nrepeats > 1:
_, plt = import_graphics_modules()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10))
mean_average = df2.groupby("date").mean()
stddev = df2.groupby("date").std()
i = 0
j = 0
for column in ["E", "I", "IW", "R"]:
ax = mean_average.plot.line(y=column, yerr=stddev[column],
ax.tick_params('x', labelrotation=90)
j += 1
if j == 2:
j = 0
i += 1
if output_dir:
import os
if nfigs == 1:
filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"average.{format}")
filename = os.path.join(output_dir,
if verbose:
print(f"Saving figure {filename}")
fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
fig = None
figs[fingerprint] = filename
if verbose:
print(f"Created the figure for {fingerprint}")
figs[fingerprint] = fig
if len(figs) == 0:
return None
elif len(figs) == 1:
return figs[list(figs.keys())[0]]
return figs
def get_color(name=None, idx=None):
"""Return a good color for the passed name or passed index (idx)"""
name = str(name).strip().lower()
if name == "overall":
return "black"
elif name in ["red", "blue", "green", "orange", "yellow", "black",
"white", "gray", "pink"]:
return name
names = ["red", "blue", "green", "orange", "pink", "gray"]
if idx is None or idx < 0 or idx >= len(names):
# return a random colour
import random
rgb = (random.random(), random.random(), random.random())
return rgb
return names[int(idx)]
def create_demographics_plot(df, output_dir: str = None,
format: str = "jpg", dpi: int = 150,
verbose: bool = True):
"""Create a demographics plot of the trajectory.csv data held in the
passed pandas dataframe. This returns the figure for you
to save if desired (or just call ``plt.show()`` to show
it in Jupyter)
df : Pandas Dataframe
The pandas dataframe containing the data from trajectory.csv.bz2
output_dir: str
The name of the directory in which to draw the graphs. If this
is set then the graphs are written to files as they are generated
and the filenames of the figures are returned. This is necessary
when the number of graphs to draw is high and you don't want
to waste too much memory
format: str
Format to save the figures in if output_dir is supplied
dpi: int
dpi (dots per inch) resolution to save the figures with if
a bitmap format is used and output_dir is supplied
align_axes: bool
If true (default) then this will ensure that all of the plots
for different fingerprints are put on the same axis scale
verbose: bool
Whether or not to print progress to the screen
The matplotlib figure containing the demographics plot, or
the filename if output_dir was supplied
import PIL # noqa - disable unused warning
except ImportError:
if format == "jpg":
"WARNING: Missing 'pillow' package, defaulting to PNG format.")
format = "png"
_, plt = import_graphics_modules()
columns = ["E", "I", "IW", "R"]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10))
# see if any of these give colour names
colors = []
demographics = df.pivot(index="date", columns="demographic",
for i, demographic in enumerate(demographics):
colors.append(get_color(demographic, i))
i = 0
j = 0
for column in columns:
ax = df.pivot(index="date", columns="demographic",
ax.tick_params('x', labelrotation=90)
j += 1
if j == 2:
j = 0
i += 1
if output_dir:
import os
filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"demographics.{format}")
if verbose:
print(f"Saving figure {filename}")
fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
fig = filename
return fig
[docs]def save_summary_plots(results: str, output_dir: str = None,
format: str = "jpg", dpi: int = 150,
align_axes: bool = True,
"""Create summary plots of the data contained in the passed
'results.csv.bz2' file that was produced by metawards
and save them to disk.
results: str
The full path to the file containing the results. This
**must** have been created by ``metawards``
output_dir: str
Path to the directory in which you want to place the graphs.
This defaults to the same directory that contains 'results'
format: str
The format to use to save the graphs. This defaults to 'pdf'
dpi: int
The dots-per-inch to use when saving bitmap graphics (e.g.
png, jpg etc)
align_axes: bool
Whether or not to plot all graphs in a set on the same axes
verbose: bool
Whether or not to print progress to the screen
filenames: List(str)
Full file paths of all of the files written by this function
import PIL # noqa - disable unused warning
except ImportError:
if format == "jpg":
"WARNING: Missing 'pillow' package, defaulting to PNG format.")
format = "png"
pd, _ = import_graphics_modules(verbose=verbose)
import os
if verbose:
print(f"Reading data from {results}...")
df = pd.read_csv(results)
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = os.path.dirname(results)
if output_dir is None or len(output_dir) == 0:
output_dir = "."
if format is None:
format = "pdf"
filenames = []
# is this an output from multiple runs?
has_fingerprint = True
except Exception:
has_fingerprint = False
# does this have demographic data?
has_demographics = True
except Exception:
has_demographics = False
if has_fingerprint:
if verbose:
print(f"Creating overview plot(s)...")
figs = create_overview_plot(df, output_dir=output_dir,
format=format, dpi=dpi,
if isinstance(figs, dict):
filenames += list(figs.values())
elif figs is not None:
if verbose:
print(f"Creating average plot(s)...")
figs = create_average_plot(df, output_dir=output_dir,
format=format, dpi=dpi,
if isinstance(figs, dict):
filenames += list(figs.values())
elif figs is not None:
if has_demographics:
fig = create_demographics_plot(df, output_dir=output_dir,
format=format, dpi=dpi)
if fig is not None:
return filenames