Source code for metawards.mixers._interaction_matrix

from typing import List as _List

__all__ = ["InteractionMatrix"]

[docs]class InteractionMatrix: """This is an interaction matrix, which is used to control how the FOIs of different demographics are merged together. An interaction matrix is just a square matrix, with a list[][] being perfectly acceptable. This is really a convenience class that makes it easier to create more complex interaction matrixes """
[docs] def __init__(self, n: int, value: float = 0.0): """Construct an interaction matrix that is n x n in size, where all values equal 'value' """ n = int(n) if n <= 0: raise ValueError( "You cannot create a zero-sized interaction matrix") value = float(value) self._matrix = [] for i in range(0, n): row = [value] * n self._matrix.append(row)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i: int): """Return the ith row of the matrix""" return self._matrix[i]
def __len__(self): return len(self._matrix)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False for i, row in enumerate(self._matrix): if len(row) != len(other[i]): return False for j, value in enumerate(row): if value != other[i][j]: return False return True
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i: int, row: _List[int]): """"Set the ith row of the matrix equal to 'row'""" if len(row) != len(self): raise ValueError(f"Incorrect row size {len(row)} for a " f"{len(self)} by {len(self)} interaction matrix")
[docs] @staticmethod def ones(n: int, value: float = 1.0): """Return a n x n matrix where each element equals 'value'""" return InteractionMatrix(n=n, value=value)
[docs] @staticmethod def zeroes(n: int, value: float = 0.0): """Return a n x n matrix where each element equals 'value'""" return InteractionMatrix.ones(n=n, value=value)
[docs] @staticmethod def diagonal(n: int, value: float = 1.0, off_diagonal: float = 0.0): """Return a n x n matrix where each diagonal element equals 'value' and each off-diagonal element equals 'off_diagonal' """ m = InteractionMatrix(n=n, value=off_diagonal) for i in range(0, n): m[i][i] = value return m
[docs] @staticmethod def identity(n: int, value: float = 1.0, off_diagonal: float = 0.0): """Return a n x n matrix where each diagonal element equals 'value' and each off-diagonal element equals 'off_diagonal' """ return InteractionMatrix.diagonal(n=n, value=value, off_diagonal=off_diagonal)
[docs] def __str__(self): lines = [] for row in self._matrix: r = ["%5.3f" % x for x in row] lines.append("| " + ", ".join(r) + " |") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def resize(self, n: int, value: float = 0.0): """Resize this matrix to 'n x n', adding in extra values equal to 'value' if needed """ if len(self) == n: return elif n < len(self): m = InteractionMatrix(n=n) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, n): m[i][j] = self[i][j] self._matrix = m._matrix else: m = InteractionMatrix(n=n, value=value) n = len(self) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, n): m[i][j] = self[i][j] self._matrix = m._matrix
[docs] def detach(self, n: int): """Detach the 'nth' demographic from interacting with any other demographics. This sets the ith row and ith column equal to zero (which not changing m[n][n]) """ for i in range(len(self)): if i != n: self[i][n] = 0.0 self[n][i] = 0.0