from .._network import Network
__all__ = ["mix_none_multi_population"]
[docs]def mix_none_multi_population(stage: str, network, **kwargs):
"""This mixer will is equivalent to mix_none, in that
it will not allow infections to be mixed between
demographics, and it will normalise by the number
of individuals in each demographic. This is equivalent
to each demographic being a completely
separate and non-interacting population
if isinstance(network, Network):
return []
elif stage == "foi":
from ._interaction_matrix import InteractionMatrix
from ._merge_matrix_multi_population \
import merge_matrix_multi_population
matrix = InteractionMatrix.diagonal(network.num_demographics())
network.demographics.interaction_matrix = matrix
return [merge_matrix_multi_population]
from ._mix_default import mix_default
return mix_default(stage=stage, network=network, **kwargs)