Source code for metawards.movers._go_isolate

from typing import Union as _Union
from typing import List as _List

from .._network import Network
from .._networks import Networks

__all__ = ["go_isolate"]

_str_or_int = _Union[str, int]
_list_str_or_int = _List[_str_or_int]
_strs_or_ints = _Union[_str_or_int, _list_str_or_int]

[docs]def go_isolate(network: _Union[Network, Networks], go_from: _strs_or_ints = None, from_demographic: _strs_or_ints = None, go_to: _strs_or_ints = None, to_demographic: _strs_or_ints = None, self_isolate_stage: _Union[_List[int], int] = 2, fraction: _Union[_List[float], float] = 1.0, number: int = None, **kwargs) -> None: """This go function will move individuals from the "from" demographic(s) to the "to" demographic if they show any signs of infection (the disease stage is greater or equal to 'self_isolate_stage'. This can move a subset of individuals if 'fraction' is less than 1, e.g. 0.5 would move 50% of individuals (chosen using a random binomial distribution) This can move a subset of individuals if 'fraction' is less than 1, e.g. 0.5 would move 50% of individuals (chosen using a random binomial distribution). You can also specify the maximum number of individuals to move per ward by specifying the 'number' parameters Parameters ---------- go_from: int, str or list of int / str The ID(s) of the demographic(s) to move from. This is the old parameter name used to maintain backwards compatibility. Prefer to use from_demo if you can go_to: int, str or list of int / str The ID(s) of the demographic(s) to move to. This is the old parameter name used to maintain backwards compatibility. Prefer to use to_demo if you can from_demographic: int, str or list of int / str The ID(s) of the demographic(s) to move from. This can be either a single demographic (identified by an integer ID or string), a list of demographics, or, if None, then all demographics. to_demographic: int, str or list of int / str The ID(s) of the demographic to move to. This can be either a single demographic (identified by an integer ID or string), a list of demographics, or, if None, then all demographics. If this is not set, then it is equal to "from_demo" self_isolate_stage: int or List[int] The stage of infection an individual must be at before they are moved into this demographic. If a list is passed then this can be multiple stages, e.g. [2, 3] will move at stages 2 and 3. Multiple stages are needed if only a fraction of individuals move. fraction: float or List[float] The fraction (percentage) of individuals who are moved from this stage into isolation. If this is a single value then the same fraction applies to all self_isolation_stages. Otherwise, the fraction for self_isolate_stage[i] is fraction[i] number: int The maximum number of individuals in each ward / ward-link to move. The fraction is taken from min(number, number_in_ward). By default all individuals in a ward / ward-link are sampled. **kwargs: This calls go_ward, so any options that are acceptible to go_ward (with the exception of 'generator') can be passed here too """ from ._movegenerator import MoveGenerator from ._go_ward import go_ward if from_demographic is None: from_demographic = go_from if to_demographic is None: to_demographic = go_to # first get the base moves... generator = MoveGenerator(from_demographic=from_demographic, to_demographic=to_demographic) # find the largest index of the disease stage N_INF_CLASSES = 0 for stage in generator.generate(network): N_INF_CLASSES = max(N_INF_CLASSES, stage[1], stage[3]) if isinstance(self_isolate_stage, list): stages = [int(stage) for stage in self_isolate_stage] else: stages = [int(self_isolate_stage)] if isinstance(fraction, list): fractions = [float(frac) for frac in fraction] else: fractions = [float(fraction)] * len(stages) for fraction in fractions: if fraction < 0 or fraction > 1: raise ValueError( f"The move fractions {fractions} should all be 0 to 1") for stage in stages: if stage < 1 or stage >= N_INF_CLASSES: raise ValueError( f"The stage(s) of self-isolation {stages} " f"is invalid for a disease with {N_INF_CLASSES} stages") if len(stages) != len(fractions): raise ValueError( f"The number of self isolation stages {stages} must equal " f"the number of fractions {fractions}") for stage, fraction in zip(stages, fractions): from_stage = list(range(stage, N_INF_CLASSES)) to_stage = from_stage generator = MoveGenerator(from_demographic=from_demographic, to_demographic=to_demographic, from_stage=from_stage, to_stage=to_stage, fraction=fraction) go_ward(network=network, generator=generator, **kwargs)