Source code for metawards.utils._run_models

from typing import Union as _Union
from typing import List as _List
from typing import Tuple as _Tuple

from .._network import Network
from .._networks import Networks
from .._population import Population
from .._variableset import VariableSets, VariableSet
from .._outputfiles import OutputFiles

from ._profiler import Profiler
from ._get_functions import MetaFunction

import os as _os

__all__ = ["get_number_of_processes", "run_models"]

[docs]def get_number_of_processes(parallel_scheme: str, nprocs: int = None): """This function works out how many processes have been set by the paralellisation system called 'parallel_scheme' """ if nprocs is None: if parallel_scheme == "multiprocessing": return 1 elif parallel_scheme == "mpi4py": from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD nprocs = comm.Get_size() return nprocs elif parallel_scheme == "scoop": raise ValueError( f"You must specify the number of processes for " f"scoop to parallelise over") else: raise ValueError( f"You must specify the number of processes to " f"use for parallel scheme '{parallel_scheme}'") if parallel_scheme == "mpi4py": from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD n = comm.Get_size() if n < nprocs: return n else: return nprocs elif parallel_scheme == "scoop": return 4 elif parallel_scheme == "multiprocessing": return nprocs else: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognised parallelisation scheme {parallel_scheme}")
[docs]def run_models(network: _Union[Network, Networks], variables: VariableSets, population: Population, nprocs: int, nthreads: int, seed: int, nsteps: int, output_dir: OutputFiles, iterator: MetaFunction = None, extractor: MetaFunction = None, mixer: MetaFunction = None, mover: MetaFunction = None, profiler: Profiler = None, parallel_scheme: str = "multiprocessing", debug_seeds=False) \ -> _List[_Tuple[VariableSet, Population]]: """Run all of the models on the passed Network that are described by the passed VariableSets Parameters ---------- network: Network or Networks The network(s) to model variables: VariableSets The sets of VariableSet that represent all of the model runs to perform population: Population The initial population for all of the model runs. This also contains the starting date and day for the model outbreak nprocs: int The number of model runs to perform in parallel nthreads: int The number of threads to parallelise each model run over seed: int Random number seed which is used to generate random seeds for all model runs nsteps: int The maximum number of steps to perform for each model - this will run until the outbreak is over if this is None output_dir: OutputFiles The OutputFiles that represents the directory in which all output should be placed iterator: str Iterator to load that will be used to iterate the outbreak extractor: str Extractor to load that will be used to extract information mixer: str Mixer to load that will be used to mix demographic data mover: str Mover to load that will be used to move the population between different demographics profiler: Profiler Profiler used to profile the model run parallel_scheme: str Which parallel scheme (multiprocessing, mpi4py or scoop) to use to run multiple model runs in parallel debug_seeds: bool (False) Set this parameter to force all runs to use the same seed (seed) - this is used for debugging and should never be set in production runs Returns ------- results: List[ tuple(VariableSet, Population)] The set of adjustable variables and final population at the end of each run """ from ._console import Console if len(variables) == 1: # no need to do anything complex - just a single run if not variables[0].is_empty(): Console.print(f"* Adjusting {variables[0]}", markdown=True) params = network.params.set_variables(variables[0]) network.update(params, profiler=profiler) trajectory =, seed=seed, nsteps=nsteps, output_dir=output_dir, iterator=iterator, extractor=extractor, mixer=mixer, mover=mover, profiler=profiler, nthreads=nthreads) results = [(variables[0], trajectory)] # perform the final summary from ._get_functions import get_summary_functions if extractor is None: from ..extractors._extract_default import extract_default extractor = extract_default else: from ..extractors._extract_custom import build_custom_extractor extractor = build_custom_extractor(extractor) funcs = get_summary_functions(network=network, results=results, output_dir=output_dir, extractor=extractor, nthreads=nthreads) for func in funcs: func(network=network, output_dir=output_dir, results=results) return results # generate the random number seeds for all of the jobs # (for testing, we will use the same seed so that I can check # that they are all working) seeds = [] if seed == 0: # this is a special mode that a developer can use to force # all jobs to use the same random number seed (15324) that # is used for comparing outputs. This should NEVER be used # for production code Console.warning("Using special mode to fix all random number " "seeds to 15324. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION!!!") for i in range(0, len(variables)): seeds.append(15324) elif debug_seeds: Console.warning(f"Using special model to make all jobs use the " f"Same random number seed {seed}. " f"DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION!") for i in range(0, len(variables)): seeds.append(seed) else: from ._ran_binomial import seed_ran_binomial, ran_int rng = seed_ran_binomial(seed) # seed the rngs used for the sub-processes using this rng for i in range(0, len(variables)): seeds.append(ran_int(rng, 10000, 99999999)) # set the output directories for all of the jobs - this is based # on the fingerprint, so should be unique for each job outdirs = [] for v in variables: f = v.output_dir() d = _os.path.join(output_dir.get_path(), f) i = 1 base = d while d in outdirs: i += 1 d = base + "x%03d" % i outdirs.append(d) outputs = [] Console.print( f"Running **{len(variables)}** jobs using **{nprocs}** process(es)", markdown=True) if nprocs == 1: # no need to use a pool, as we will repeat this calculation # several times save_network = network.copy() Console.rule("Running models in serial") for i, variable in enumerate(variables): seed = seeds[i] outdir = outdirs[i] with output_dir.open_subdir(outdir) as subdir: Console.print( f"Running parameter set {i+1} of {len(variables)} " f"using seed {seed}") Console.print(f"All output written to {subdir.get_path()}") with Console.redirect_output(subdir.get_path(), auto_bzip=output_dir.auto_bzip()): Console.print(f"Running variable set {i+1}") Console.print(f"Random seed: {seed}") Console.print(f"nthreads: {nthreads}") # no need to do anything complex - just a single run params = network.params.set_variables(variable) Console.rule("Adjustable parameters to scan") Console.print("\n".join( [f"* {x}" for x in params.adjustments]), markdown=True) Console.rule() network.update(params, profiler=profiler) with Console.spinner("Computing model run") as spinner: try: output =, seed=seed, nsteps=nsteps, output_dir=subdir, iterator=iterator, extractor=extractor, mixer=mixer, mover=mover, profiler=profiler, nthreads=nthreads) spinner.success() except Exception as e: spinner.failure() Console.print_exception() error = f"FAILED: {e.__class__} {e}" output = None if output is not None: outputs.append((variable, output)) else: outputs.append((variable, [])) if output is not None: Console.panel(f"Completed job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variable}\n" f"{output[-1]}", style="alternate") else: Console.error(f"Job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variable}\n" f"{error}") # end of OutputDirs context manager if i != len(variables) - 1: # still another run to perform, restore the network # to the original state network = save_network.copy() # end of loop over variable sets else: from ._worker import run_worker # create all of the parameters and options to run arguments = [] if isinstance(network, Networks): max_nodes = network.overall.nnodes + 1 max_links = max(network.overall.nlinks, network.overall.nplay) + 1 else: max_nodes = network.nnodes + 1 max_links = max(network.nlinks, network.nplay) + 1 try: demographics = network.demographics except Exception: demographics = None # give the workers a clean copy of the profiler if profiler is None: worker_profiler = None else: worker_profiler = profiler.__class__() for i, variable in enumerate(variables): seed = seeds[i] outdir = outdirs[i] arguments.append({ "params": network.params.set_variables(variable), "demographics": demographics, "options": {"seed": seed, "output_dir": outdir, "auto_bzip": output_dir.auto_bzip(), "population": population, "nsteps": nsteps, "iterator": iterator, "extractor": extractor, "mixer": mixer, "mover": mover, "profiler": worker_profiler, "nthreads": nthreads, "max_nodes": max_nodes, "max_links": max_links} }) if parallel_scheme == "multiprocessing": # run jobs using a multiprocessing pool Console.rule("Running models in parallel using multiprocessing") from multiprocessing import Pool results = [] with Pool(processes=nprocs) as pool: for argument in arguments: results.append(pool.apply_async(run_worker, (argument,))) for i, result in enumerate(results): with Console.spinner( "Computing model run") as spinner: try: result.wait() output = result.get() spinner.success() except Exception as e: spinner.failure() error = f"FAILED: {e.__class__} {e}" Console.error(error) output = None if output is not None: Console.panel( f"Completed job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variables[i]}\n" f"{output[-1]}", style="alternate") outputs.append((variables[i], output)) else: Console.error(f"Job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variable}\n" f"{error}") outputs.append((variables[i], [])) elif parallel_scheme == "mpi4py": # run jobs using a mpi4py pool Console.rule("Running models in parallel using MPI") from mpi4py import futures with futures.MPIPoolExecutor(max_workers=nprocs) as pool: results =, arguments) for i in range(0, len(variables)): with Console.spinner("Computing model run") as spinner: try: output = next(results) spinner.success() except Exception as e: spinner.failure() error = f"FAILED: {e.__class__} {e}" Console.error(error) output = None if output is not None: Console.panel( f"Completed job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variables[i]}\n" f"{output[-1]}", style="alternate") outputs.append((variables[i], output)) else: Console.error(f"Job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variable}\n" f"{error}") outputs.append((variables[i], [])) elif parallel_scheme == "scoop": # run jobs using a scoop pool Console.rule("Running models in parallel using scoop") from scoop import futures results = [] for argument in arguments: try: results.append(futures.submit(run_worker, argument)) except Exception as e: Console.error( f"Error submitting calculation: {e.__class__} {e}\n" f"Trying to submit again...") # try again try: results.append(futures.submit(run_worker, argument)) except Exception as e: Console.error( f"No - another error: {e.__class__} {e}\n" f"Skipping this job") results.append(None) for i in range(0, len(results)): with Console.spinner("Computing model run") as spinner: try: output = results[i].result() spinner.success() except Exception as e: spinner.failure() error = f"FAILED: {e.__class__} {e}" Console.error(error) output = None if output is not None: Console.panel( f"Completed job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variables[i]}\n" f"{output[-1]}", style="alternate") outputs.append((variables[i], output)) else: Console.error(f"Job {i+1} of {len(variables)}\n" f"{variable}\n" f"{error}") outputs.append((variables[i], [])) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised parallelisation scheme " f"{parallel_scheme}.") # perform the final summary from ._get_functions import get_summary_functions if extractor is None: from ..extractors._extract_default import extract_default extractor = extract_default else: from ..extractors._extract_custom import build_custom_extractor extractor = build_custom_extractor(extractor) funcs = get_summary_functions(network=network, results=outputs, output_dir=output_dir, extractor=extractor, nthreads=nthreads) for func in funcs: try: func(network=network, output_dir=output_dir, results=outputs, nthreads=nthreads) except Exception as e: Console.error(f"Error calling {func}: {e.__class__} {e}") return outputs