Source code for metawards.utils._updates

__all__ = ["check_for_updates", "update_metawards"]

def _run_command(cmd, dry=False, capture_output=False, silent=False):
    """Run the passed shell command"""
    if dry:
        print(f"[DRY-RUN] {cmd}")
        return 0

    lines = []

        import shlex
        import subprocess
        import sys

        args = shlex.split(cmd)
        with subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=sys.stdin,
                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1,
                              universal_newlines=True) as PROC:
            while True:
                line = PROC.stdout.readline()
                if not line:

                if capture_output:

                if not silent:

            return_val = PROC.poll()

            if capture_output:
                return lines
                return return_val

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"[ERROR] {e}")
        return -1

[docs]def check_for_updates(dry_run: bool = False): """Check if a newer version of MetaWards is available. If there is, then return the version number string. If not, then return None. If 'dry_run' is True, then this will just print the commands to the screen that will be used to query the version info """ import sys try: import pip have_pip = True except ImportError: have_pip = False except Exception: have_pip = True if not have_pip: raise SystemError( "Pip is not available so we cannot discover if newer versions " "of MetaWards are available") cmd = f"{sys.executable} -m pip search metawards" output = _run_command(cmd, dry=dry_run, silent=True, capture_output=True) if dry_run: return None installed = None latest = None for line in output: if line.find("INSTALLED") != -1: installed = line.strip().split()[-1] elif line.find("LATEST") != -1: latest = line.strip().split()[-1] if latest is None: return None installed = installed.split("+")[0] if installed != latest: return latest else: return None
[docs]def update_metawards(dry_run: bool = False, user: bool = False): """Update MetaWards to the latest version. If dry_run is True then only print the commands that will be called. If user is True then install within the user space """ import sys try: import pip have_pip = True except ImportError: have_pip = False except Exception: have_pip = True if not have_pip: raise SystemError( "Pip is not available so we cannot update to newer versions " "of MetaWards") if user: user = "--user" else: user = "" cmd = f"{sys.executable} -m pip install {user} metawards --upgrade" try: output = _run_command(cmd, dry=dry_run, silent=True, capture_output=True) except Exception: from ._console import Console Console.error(f"Cannot update MetaWards. Do you have permission to " f"update this software? Output from updating is " f"written below:\n" + "".join(output)) for line in output: if line.startswith("Successfully installed"): print(line, end="") return True return None