
class metawards.Infections[source]

This class holds the arrays that record the infections as they are occuring during the outbreak

__init__() None


__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Return self==value.

__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).

__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.



This method is called when a class is subclassed.

__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.

__ne__(value, /)

Return self!=value.



Helper for pickle.

__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).

__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

_set_stage_mapping(disease_params, ...)

Get the mapping from the disease stages for this sub-network (from disease_params) to the disease stages for the overall network (in overall_params)

aggregate([profiler, nthreads])

Aggregate all of the infection data from the demographic sub-networks

build([network, overall])

Construct and return the Infections object that will track infections during a model run on the passed Network (or Networks)


Clear all of the infections (resets all to zero)


Return the mapping from disease stages in this sub-network to disease stages in the overall network.


Return the mapping from the index in this sub-networks work matrix to the mapping in the overall network's work matrix


Return whether or not the sub-network disease stages are different to that of the overall network, and must thus be mapped


Return whether or not the sub-network work matrix is different to that of the overall network



The total number of stages in the disease








list of weak references to the object (if defined)


The mapping from disease state 'i' in this network to disease stage 'j' in the overall network.


The index in the overall network's work matrix of the ith index in this subnetworks work matrix.


Return the number of work links


The total number of nodes (wards)


Return the number of demographic subnetworks


The infections caused by random (play) movements.


The infections for the multi-demographic subnets


The infections caused by fixed (work) movements.

property N_INF_CLASSES: int

The total number of stages in the disease


Return self==value.

__hash__ = None
__init__() None

Return repr(self).

aggregate(profiler=None, nthreads: int = 1) None[source]

Aggregate all of the infection data from the demographic sub-networks

  • network (Network) – Network that was used to initialise these infections

  • profiler (Profiler, optional) – Profiler used to profile the calculation, by default None

  • nthreads (int, optional) – Number of threads to use, by default 1

static build(network: Optional[Union[metawards._network.Network, metawards._networks.Networks]] = None, overall: Optional[metawards._network.Network] = None)[source]

Construct and return the Infections object that will track infections during a model run on the passed Network (or Networks)

  • network (Network or Networks) – The network or networks that will be run

  • overall (Network) – The overall network to which this subnet belongs


infections – The space for the work and play infections for the network (including space for all of the demographics)

Return type


clear(nthreads: int = 1)[source]

Clear all of the infections (resets all to zero)


nthreads (int) – Optionally parallelise this reset by specifying the number of threads to use


Return the mapping from disease stages in this sub-network to disease stages in the overall network. This returns a list where mapping[i] gives the index of stage i in the subnetwork to stage j in the overall network


Return the mapping from the index in this sub-networks work matrix to the mapping in the overall network’s work matrix


Return whether or not the sub-network disease stages are different to that of the overall network, and must thus be mapped


Return whether or not the sub-network work matrix is different to that of the overall network

Return the number of work links

property nnodes: int

The total number of nodes (wards)

property nsubnets: int

Return the number of demographic subnetworks

play = None

The infections caused by random (play) movements. This is a list of int arrays, size play[N_INF_CLASSES][nnodes+1]

subinfs = None

The infections for the multi-demographic subnets

work = None

The infections caused by fixed (work) movements. This is a list of int arrays, size work[N_INF_CLASSES][nlinks+1]