
class metawards.Parameters(input_files: Optional[metawards._inputfiles.InputFiles] = None, disease_params: Optional[metawards._disease.Disease] = None, additional_seeds: Optional[List[str]] = None, length_day: float = 0.7, static_play_at_home: float = 0.0, dyn_play_at_home: float = 0.0, dyn_dist_cutoff: float = 10000000.0, play_to_work: float = 0.0, work_to_play: float = 0.0, daily_imports: float = 0.0, ward_seed_index: Optional[int] = None, initial_inf: int = 5, stage_0: str = 'R', UV: float = 0.0, UV_max: Optional[] = None, scale_uv: float = 1.0, bg_foi: float = 0.0, user_params: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, adjustments: Optional[List[metawards._variableset.VariableSet]] = None, _name: Optional[str] = None, _version: Optional[str] = None, _authors: Optional[str] = None, _contacts: Optional[str] = None, _references: Optional[str] = None, _filename: Optional[str] = None, _repository: Optional[str] = None, _repository_version: Optional[str] = None, _repository_branch: Optional[str] = None, _repository_dir: Optional[str] = None)[source]

The full set of Parameters that are used to control the model outbreak over a Network. The combination of a Network and a Parameters defines the model outbreak.

Load the Parameters using the Parameters.load function, and then add extra data using the various “set” and “add” functions, e.g.


>>> params = Parameters.load("march29")
>>> params.set_disease("ncov")
>>> params.set_input_files("2011Data")
>>> params.add_seeds("ExtraSeedsBrighton.dat")
__init__(input_files: Optional[metawards._inputfiles.InputFiles] = None, disease_params: Optional[metawards._disease.Disease] = None, additional_seeds: Optional[List[str]] = None, length_day: float = 0.7, static_play_at_home: float = 0.0, dyn_play_at_home: float = 0.0, dyn_dist_cutoff: float = 10000000.0, play_to_work: float = 0.0, work_to_play: float = 0.0, daily_imports: float = 0.0, ward_seed_index: Optional[int] = None, initial_inf: int = 5, stage_0: str = 'R', UV: float = 0.0, UV_max: Optional[] = None, scale_uv: float = 1.0, bg_foi: float = 0.0, user_params: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, adjustments: Optional[List[metawards._variableset.VariableSet]] = None, _name: Optional[str] = None, _version: Optional[str] = None, _authors: Optional[str] = None, _contacts: Optional[str] = None, _references: Optional[str] = None, _filename: Optional[str] = None, _repository: Optional[str] = None, _repository_version: Optional[str] = None, _repository_branch: Optional[str] = None, _repository_dir: Optional[str] = None) None


__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Return self==value.

__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).


Return the parameters that should be used for the demographic subnetwork called 'demographic'.

__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.

__init__([input_files, disease_params, ...])


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.

__ne__(value, /)

Return self!=value.



Helper for pickle.

__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).

__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().


Add an 'additional seeds' file that can be used to seed wards with new infections at different times and locations.


Return a safe copy of these parameters, which does not include any subnetwork parameters if 'include_subparams' is False


Return the default set of parameters


Return the repository location and version information for the passed repository

load([parameters, repository, folder, filename])

This will return a Parameters object containing all of the parameters loaded from the parameters found in file f"{repository}/{folder}/{parameters}.json"

read_variables(filename, line_numbers)

Read in extra variable parameters from the specified line number(s) of the specified file, returning the list of the dictionaries of variables that have been read.

set_disease(disease[, silent])

"Set the disease that will be modelled


Set the input files that are used to initialise the simulation


This function sets the adjustable variable values to those specified in 'variables' in A COPY OF THIS PARAMETERS OBJECT.


Return the names of demographics that have specialised parameters that are different to those of the overall network



Seasonality parameter


Date when transmission should be at a maximum









list of weak references to the object (if defined)











The parameters for demographic sub-networks.



The set of files that contain additional seeds that seed the outbreak during the model run


All of the VariableSet adjustments that have been applied to these parameters


The global background force of infection (FOI).


proportion of daily imports if there are additional infections


The set of parameters that define the disease


The cutoff distance in km beyond which workers or players cannot move



The number of initial infections if there are daily imports


The set of input files that define the model Network


The fraction of day considered "day" for work, e.g.



The global scale_uv.


how to treat the * state (stage 0).



The index of the seeding ward if there are daily imports



User parameters

UV: float = 0.0

Seasonality parameter

UV_max: = None

Date when transmission should be at a maximum


Return self==value.

__getitem__(demographic: str)[source]

Return the parameters that should be used for the demographic subnetwork called ‘demographic’. If these have not been set specifically then the parameters for the overall network are used

__hash__ = None
__init__(input_files: Optional[metawards._inputfiles.InputFiles] = None, disease_params: Optional[metawards._disease.Disease] = None, additional_seeds: Optional[List[str]] = None, length_day: float = 0.7, static_play_at_home: float = 0.0, dyn_play_at_home: float = 0.0, dyn_dist_cutoff: float = 10000000.0, play_to_work: float = 0.0, work_to_play: float = 0.0, daily_imports: float = 0.0, ward_seed_index: Optional[int] = None, initial_inf: int = 5, stage_0: str = 'R', UV: float = 0.0, UV_max: Optional[] = None, scale_uv: float = 1.0, bg_foi: float = 0.0, user_params: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, adjustments: Optional[List[metawards._variableset.VariableSet]] = None, _name: Optional[str] = None, _version: Optional[str] = None, _authors: Optional[str] = None, _contacts: Optional[str] = None, _references: Optional[str] = None, _filename: Optional[str] = None, _repository: Optional[str] = None, _repository_version: Optional[str] = None, _repository_branch: Optional[str] = None, _repository_dir: Optional[str] = None) None

Return repr(self).


Return str(self).

add_seeds(filename: str)[source]

Add an ‘additional seeds’ file that can be used to seed wards with new infections at different times and locations. Several additional_seed files can be added


filename (str) – Name of the file containing the additional seeds

additional_seeds: List[str] = None

The set of files that contain additional seeds that seed the outbreak during the model run

adjustments: List[metawards._variableset.VariableSet] = None

All of the VariableSet adjustments that have been applied to these parameters

bg_foi: float = 0.0

The global background force of infection (FOI). This is combined with the per-ward level bg_foi to give a single value

copy(include_subparams: bool = False)[source]

Return a safe copy of these parameters, which does not include any subnetwork parameters if ‘include_subparams’ is False

daily_imports: float = 0.0

proportion of daily imports if there are additional infections

static default()[source]

Return the default set of parameters

disease_params: metawards._disease.Disease = None

The set of parameters that define the disease

dyn_dist_cutoff: float = 10000000.0

The cutoff distance in km beyond which workers or players cannot move

static get_repository(repository: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Return the repository location and version information for the passed repository


repository (str) – Location on the filesystem of the repository. If this is None then it will be searched for using first the environment variable METAWARDSDATA, then $HOME/GitHub/MetaWardsData, then ./METAWARDSDATA


(repository, version) – A tuple of the location on disk of the repository, plus the version information (git ID etc)

Return type


initial_inf: int = 5

The number of initial infections if there are daily imports

input_files: metawards._inputfiles.InputFiles = None

The set of input files that define the model Network

length_day: float = 0.7

The fraction of day considered “day” for work, e.g. 0.7 * 24 hours

static load(parameters: str = 'march29', repository: Optional[str] = None, folder: str = 'parameters', filename: Optional[str] = None)[source]

This will return a Parameters object containing all of the parameters loaded from the parameters found in file f”{repository}/{folder}/{parameters}.json”

By default this will load the march29 parameters from $HOME/GitHub/model_data/2011Data/parameters/march29.json

Alternatively, you can provide the exact path to the filename via the ‘filename’ argument

  • parameters (str) – The name of the parameters to load. This is the name that will be searched for in the METAWARDSDATA parameters directory

  • repository (str) – The location of the cloned METAWARDSDATA repository

  • folder (str) – The name of the folder within the METAWARDSDATA repository that contains the parameters

  • filename (str) – The name of the file to load the parameters from - this directly loads this file without searching through the METAWARDSDATA repository


params – The constructed and validated parameters

Return type


static read_variables(filename: str, line_numbers: List[int])[source]

Read in extra variable parameters from the specified line number(s) of the specified file, returning the list of the dictionaries of variables that have been read. You can then apply those variable parameters using the ‘set_variables’ function

  • filename (str) – The file from which to read the adjustable variables

  • line_numbers (List[int]) – All of the line numbers from which to read. If this is None then all lines will be read.


variables – The VariableSets containing all of the adjustable variables

Return type


scale_uv: float = 1.0

The global scale_uv. This is combined with the population and per-ward level scale_uvs to give a single value

set_disease(disease: metawards._disease.Disease, silent: bool = True)[source]

“Set the disease that will be modelled

  • disease – The disease to be modelled. If a string is passed

  • string (then the disease will be loaded using that) –

  • silent – Whether or not to suppress printing out the disease

set_input_files(input_files: metawards._inputfiles.InputFiles)[source]

Set the input files that are used to initialise the simulation


input_files (InputFiles) – The set of input files that will be used to load the Network. If a string is passed then the InputFiles will be loaded based on that string.

set_variables(variables: metawards._variableset.VariableSet)[source]

This function sets the adjustable variable values to those specified in ‘variables’ in A COPY OF THIS PARAMETERS OBJECT. This returns the copy. It does not change this object


variables (VariableSet) – The variables that will be adjusted before the model run. This adjusts the parameters and returns them in a deep copy


params – A copy of this set of parameters with the variables adjusted

Return type


specialised_demographics() List[str][source]

Return the names of demographics that have specialised parameters that are different to those of the overall network

stage_0: str = 'R'

how to treat the * state (stage 0). This should be a string describing the method. Currently “R”, “E” and “disable” are supported. Not needed if the mapping is specified explicitly in the disease

user_params: Dict[str, float]

User parameters

ward_seed_index: int = None

The index of the seeding ward if there are daily imports