Source code for metawards.extractors._output_incidence

from .._network import Network
from .._population import Population
from .._outputfiles import OutputFiles

from .._workspace import Workspace
from ..utils._get_functions import call_function_on_network

__all__ = ["output_incidence", "output_incidence_serial"]

def output_incidence_serial(network: Network,
                            population: Population,
                            output_dir: OutputFiles,
                            workspace: Workspace,
    """This will incidence of infection for each ward for each timestep.
       This is the sum of infections from disease class 0 to 2 inclusive

       network: Network
         The network over which the outbreak is being modelled
       population: Population
         The population experiencing the outbreak
       output_dir: OutputFiles
         The directory in which to place all output files
       workspace: Workspace
         A workspace that can be used to extract data
         Extra argumentst that are ignored by this function

    if is None:
        name = ""
        name = "_" +" ", "_")

    pfile ="incidence{name}.dat")

    pfile.write(str( + " ")

    pfile.write(" ".join([str(x) for x in workspace.incidence[1:]])
                + "\n")

[docs]def output_incidence(nthreads: int = 1, **kwargs): """This will incidence of infection for each ward for each timestep. This is the sum of infections from disease class 0 to 2 inclusive Parameters ---------- network: Network The network over which the outbreak is being modelled population: Population The population experiencing the outbreak output_dir: OutputFiles The directory in which to place all output files workspace: Workspace A workspace that can be used to extract data kwargs Extra argumentst that are ignored by this function """ call_function_on_network(nthreads=1, func=output_incidence_serial, call_on_overall=True, **kwargs)