- metawards.iterators.advance_imports_omp(network: Network, population: Population, infections: Infections, rngs, nthreads: int, profiler: Profiler, **kwargs)
Advance the model by importing additional infections depending on the additional seeds specified by the user and the day of the outbreak (serial version of the function)
- Parameters
network (Network) – The network being modelled
population (Population) – The population experiencing the outbreak
infections (Infections) – The space that holds all of the infections
rngs – The list of thread-safe random number generators, one per thread
nthreads (int) – The number of threads over which to parallelise the calculation
profiler (Profiler) – The profiler used to profile this calculation
kwargs – Extra arguments that may be used by other advancers, but which are not used by advance_play