MetaWards.iterators API Detail
Advance the infection by infecting additional wards based on a pre-determined pattern based on the additional seeds |
Advance the model by triggering infections related to fixed 'work' movements (parallel version of the function) |
Advance the model by triggering infections related to fixed 'work' movements (parallel version of the function) |
Advance the model calculating the new force of infection (foi) for all of the wards and links between wards, based on the current number of infections. |
Advance the model calculating the new force of infection (foi) for all of the wards and links between wards, based on the current number of infections. |
Advance the model calculating the new force of infection (foi) for all of the wards and links between wards, based on the current number of infections. |
Advance the model calculating the new force of infection (foi) for all of the wards and links between wards, based on the current number of infections. |
Advance the model by importing additional infections depending on the additional seeds specified by the user and the day of the outbreak (serial version of the function) |
Advance the model by importing additional infections depending on the additional seeds specified by the user and the day of the outbreak (serial version of the function) |
Advance the calculation of the day and night infection probabilities for each ward. |
Advance the calculation of the day and night infection probabilities for each ward. |
Advance the model by triggering infections related to random 'play' movements (parallel version of the function) |
Advance the model by triggering infections related to random 'play' movements (parallel version of the function) |
Advance the model by triggering infections related to random 'play' movements (parallel version of the function) |
Advance the model by triggering infections related to random 'play' movements (parallel version of the function) |
Advance the model by processing recovery of individual through the different stages of the disease (parallel version of the function)) |
Advance the model by processing recovery of individual through the different stages of the disease (parallel version of the function)) |
Build and return a custom iterator from the passed function. |
This returns the default list of 'advance_XXX' functions that are called in sequence for each iteration of the model run. |
This returns the default list of 'advance_XXX' functions that are called in sequence for each iteration of the model run. |
This returns the default list of 'advance_XXX' functions that are called in sequence for each weekday iteration of the model run. |
This returns the default list of 'advance_XXX' functions that are called in sequence for each weekend iteration of the model run. |
This returns the default list of 'advance_XXX' functions that are called in sequence for each iteration of the model run. |
Seed the wards with an initial set of infections, assuming an 'expected' number of infected people out of a population of 'population', based on the number of daily imports held in params.daily_imports |
Setup function that sets up the Network by seeding the infection at the ward specified by looking up the ward index from network.to_seed using index params.ward_seed_index |
Seed the wards with an initial infection. |