- metawards.iterators.advance_foi_work_to_play(nthreads: int, **kwargs)
Advance the model calculating the new force of infection (foi) for all of the wards and links between wards, based on the current number of infections. Note that you must call this first before performing any other step in the iteration as this will update the foi based on the infections that occured the previous day. This is the parallel version of this function
- Parameters
population (Population) – The population experiencing the outbreak - contains the day number of the outbreak
infections (Infections) – The space that holds all of the infections
rngs – The list of thread-safe random number generators, one per thread
nthreads (int) – The number of threads over which to parallelise the calculation
profiler (Profiler) – The profiler used to profile this calculation
kwargs – Extra arguments that may be used by other advancers, but which are not used by advance_play