Conditional Compliance

In the last section we saw that self-isolation will only work if individuals self-isolate at an early stage of the lurgy, and for 5-7 days.

However, that model and conclusion is flawed. The model assumed that everyone who had reached the self-isolation stage would elect to self-isolate, and would remain their for the full required duration.

Unfortunately, this is not realistic. Many individuals would not self-isolate, e.g. because they don’t feel that ill, don’t recognise the symptoms, have financial or social pressures to keep going out etc. Equally, many may break quarantine early, if they feel better or more mobile.

To model this, we need to conditionally send only a percentage of individuals into self-isolation. And then, for each day quarantine, we need to release an increasing percentage back to their normal behaviour.

Moving a fraction of individuals

Both the go_isolate() and go_to() go functions accept the fraction keyword argument. This argument sets the percentage (or fraction) of the population who should move. By default this is 1.0 (representing 100%). This fraction is used to sample a random number of individuals according to a binomial distribution.

We can adjust this value to examine impact of reduced self-isolation compliance on the outbreak.

To do this, update your move function to;

from metawards import Population
from metawards import Networks
from metawards.movers import go_isolate, go_to

def move_isolate(network: Networks, population: Population, **kwargs):
    ndays = 7
    isolate_stage = 3
    compliance_fraction = 0.5

    day = % ndays
    isolate = f"isolate_{day}"

    go_isolate_day = lambda **kwargs: go_isolate(

    go_released = lambda **kwargs: go_to(go_from=isolate,

    return [go_released, go_isolate_day]

Here we have added compliance_fraction, set to 0.5 to represent, on average, to 50% of individuals complying with the need to go into self-isolation. This fraction is passed as fraction to the go_isolate function.

Run metawards using;

metawards -d lurgy4 -D demographics.json -a ExtraSeedsLondon.dat --mixer mix_isolate --mover move_isolate --nsteps 365

You should see that infection spreads quickly, as the 50% of individuals who each day decide not to self-isolate from stage 2 of the lurgy infect the susceptible population. The outbreak should end with approximately two thirds of those infected recovering in released (and so had isolated), and one third recovering in home (having never isolated). A plot of the the demographics shows this more clearly;

metawards-plot -i output/trajectory.csv.bz2
Demographics for 50% self-isolation compliance

Scanning compliance

We can investigate the effect of different levels of compliance by scanning through compliance_fraction. Update your to read;

from metawards import Population
from metawards import Networks
from metawards.movers import go_isolate, go_to

def move_isolate(network: Networks, population: Population, **kwargs):
    user_params = network.params.user_params

    ndays = 7
    isolate_stage = 3
    compliance_fraction = user_params["compliance"]

    day = % 7
    isolate = f"isolate_{day}"

    go_isolate_day = lambda **kwargs: go_isolate(

    go_released = lambda **kwargs: go_to(go_from=isolate,

    return [go_released, go_isolate_day]

The only change here is that we now set compliance_fraction from the compliance user defined parameter.

Now create a scan file called scan_compliance.dat that contains;


This scans compliance from 1.00 to 0.50 in increments of 0.05.

This is the command to run a single scan locally;

metawards -d lurgy4 -D demographics.json -a ExtraSeedsLondon.dat --mixer mix_isolate --mover move_isolate --extractor extract_none --nsteps 365 -i scan_compliance.dat

You will likely need a cluster to perform repeats, so here is a suitable PBS and slurm job file;

#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=64:mem=64GB
# The above sets 4 nodes with 64 cores each

source $HOME/envs/metawards/bin/activate

# change into the directory from which this job was submitted

metawards -d lurgy4 -D demographics.json -a ExtraSeedsLondon.dat \
        --mixer mix_isolate --mover move_isolate --extractor extract_none \
        --nsteps 365 -i scan_compliance.dat --repeats 8 \
        --nthreads 16 --force-overwrite-output --no-spinner --theme simple
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=64
# The above sets 4 nodes with 64 cores each

source $HOME/envs/metawards/bin/activate

metawards -d lurgy4 -D demographics.json -a ExtraSeedsLondon.dat \
        --mixer mix_isolate --mover move_isolate --extractor extract_none \
        --nsteps 365 -i scan_compliance.dat --repeats 8 \
        --nthreads 16 --force-overwrite-output --no-spinner --theme simple

You can generate an overview animation using;

metawards-plot -i output/results.csv.bz2
metawards-plot --animate output/overview*

The resulting animation should look like this;

Animation showing effect on the outbreak of different levels of compliance with self-isolation

From this it is clear the high compliance with self-isolation is needed to prevent a large-scale outbreak. You can see exactly the effect by plotting the average number of recovereds as a function of the level of compliance at the end of the year (365 days). This can be done in Python pandas, R or Excel. For example, here is how you would make this plot in pandas;

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import matplotlib as mpl
>>> df = pd.read_csv("output/results.csv.bz2")
>>> day_365 = df[df["day"] == 365]
>>> day_365_mean = day_365.groupby("fingerprint").mean()
>>> ax = day_365_mean.plot.line(x=".compliance", y="R")
>>> ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter('{x:,.0f}'))
>>> fig = ax.get_figure()
>>> fig.tight_layout()
>>> fig.savefig("compliance.jpg")

The figure I get is shown here;

Effect of compliance on the number of infections (recovereds)

For the lurgy, compliance of 90% still leads to ~6 million infections over the year, while compliance of 80% leads to ~20 million. If compliance drops to 50%, then ~39 million individuals are infected.